The 8 PRACTICEs Physician Group Coaching Series

Participants will establish their ‘Why’ during this three-session group coaching series and create a roadmap for sustainable success.

Identifying your purpose can serve as a compass for the next stage of your career, leading to a more fulfilling path. Once you’ve identified your purpose, it’s crucial to develop a personal roadmap to achieve your goals, taking into account the people, resources, and skills it will require. The ultimate goal is to reach your destination with a sense of fulfillment.

Session 1: – Establishing Your Passion March 21, 2024, 6:00 PM Eastern, 3:00 PM Pacific

Session 2: Defining Your PRACTICEApril 25, 2024, 6:00 PM Eastern, 3:00 PM Pacific

Session 3: Creating an Energy Plan for SustainabilityMay 30, 2024, 6:00 PM Eastern, 3:00 PM Pacific

The 8 PRACTICEs Physician Group Coaching Series is led by Physician Coach, Jeffrey M. Smith, MD, FACS, PCC. 

Space is limited to 5 participants. 

Registration is $888 for the 3-session coaching series.

Complete this form to register:


May 30 2024


5:00 pm - 6:00 pm




Jeffrey M. Smith, MD
Jeffrey M. Smith, MD
[email protected]
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