Physician Fellows Group Coaching Series

Physician Fellows Group Coaching Series

In this exclusive Fellows-Only Coaching Series, participants will maximize the benefits of their fellowship year, paving the way for a successful transition into their first job and a sustainable career. Physician coaching supports personal growth, professional development, and peak performance, and a clear vision of our desired career path provides invaluable support in making crucial career decisions.

During the group coaching series, participants will receive independent study materials and critical thinking questions to review, before attending live coaching sessions to deepen their strategic planning process.

Audience: Trainees in their final year of residency to prepare for and get the most out of their fellowship year. We are aiming for a fellow-to-physician coach ratio of 5:1.


Pre-Session Information: Introduction to Physician Coaching (March-June)

Session 1: How to Get the Most Out of Your Fellowship Year. (May/June)

Session 2: Defining your values and priorities. What do you need? (Aug/Sept)

Session 3: Making a Decision on the Next Job (November/December)

Session 4: Where are your gaps? What do you need? (January/February) 

Session 5: Moving Forward. Create a sustainable career plan. (March/April)

Scheduling: Participants are grouped in cohorts based on their availability to attend live coaching sessions.  

Example Schedule: The first live coaching cohort is scheduled for Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 7:00 Eastern, 4:00 pm Pacific. Each subsequent live coaching session will be scheduled for the fourth Thursday of August, November, January, and March.  

Coach Profile: Physician Fellows Group Coaching Series coaches are physicians or surgeons with professional coach training. Many have trained in the SurgeonMasters ICF level 1 accredited coach training. Any program guests who offer an educational or coaching perspective to the discussion are expected to maintain participant confidentiality.

Fee: $500 for the 5-session coaching series.


Aug 17 2024 - Jul 19 2025




Physician Coaching


Jeffrey M. Smith

Other Organizers

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