Jeff welcomes to the podcast cardiothoracic anesthesiologist, executive coach, and advocate for those affected by Long Covid, Dr. Zeest Khan.
In 2020, Zeest contracted Covid and her health deteriorated to such an extent that she was no longer able to work. Eventually, she was diagnosed with Long Covid and on the long road to recovery. As a result of this experience, she pivoted her career to helping others with complex illnesses safely navigate the healthcare system.
As physicians, we deal with crises all the time. In training, we learn skills to get us through scary and dangerous situations. We’re not just on salvage missions. Rather, we’re trying to optimize for good outcomes for our patients. These crisis management skills can be used to deal with situations in both our professional and personal lives.
What does Zeest suggest we do to manage crises and optimize outcomes?
- Step 1 – Use reliable processes. When presented with a stressful situation, even as physicians our senses and executive functioning can fail us. Approaching an emergency with a reliable process that you’ve used before is a great way to handle a crisis.
- Step 2 – Use reliable procedures. Don’t reinvent the wheel if you don’t need to. When you’re in a difficult situation, ask yourself – “what works for you?” Focus on these approaches that have worked in the past.
- Step 3 – Use your team and available resources. In operating rooms specifically, it’s essential that everyone in the room is helping in a specific way. Each one of us can’t do everything, so it’s important to rely on our team and available resources.
Most importantly, PRACTICE crisis management prep!
Zeest Khan, MD

Dr. Zeest Khan is a cardiothoracic anesthesiologist, executive coach, and advocate for those affected by Long Covid. Disabled by the disease herself, Dr. Khan uses her unique perspective to bridge the divide between medical and patient communities. She is the creator and host of *LongCovidMD*, a podcast where she shares her journey, delves into the medical science behind Long Covid, and offers an inside look at the healthcare system. Through her work, Dr. Khan offers valuable insights and support for those navigating complex health challenges. Find her work at