Pump the brakes on your week and take 10 minutes to make your life as a surgeon just a little better…
We are welcoming orthopaedic trauma surgeon, Phil Stahel, onto the NEW SurgeonMasters podcast, where he’ll challenge us to work on becoming better listeners in order to become better surgeons.
How does he recommend becoming a better listener?
- Step 1 – Shut Up
- Step 2 – Listen for 2 minutes!
- Step 3 – Don’t interrupt!
Dr. Stahel also recommends… Asking your patients how they want to be addressed. First name? last name? other? Asking your patients what makes them happy? If you’re not familiar with Dr. Stahel, his book, Blood, Sweat and Tears – Becoming a Better Surgeon, is an enlightening dive into his 20-year journey from intern to successful surgeon and global patient safety advocate.
It is a perfect example of how surgeons can be both talented in the theater and talented outside of it.
Become a better listener with PRACTICE!
Guest: Philip Stahel, MD

Phil Stahel is the Chief Medical Officer for the Mission Health system in North Carolina and Professor of Surgery at East Carolina University, Brody School of Medicine. He is a board-certified academic trauma surgeon who trained at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and at Charité University Medical Center in Berlin, Germany. Phil is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the open-access, peer-reviewed journal Patient Safety in Surgery (www.pssjournal.com) and the editor of several textbooks in the field of surgical patient safety, including Patient Safety in Surgery (2014), Blood, Sweat and Tears – Becoming a Better Surgeon (2016), Surgical Patient Safety: A Case-based Approach (2018), and Textbook of Polytrauma Management (2022).