Meet Jeff
I am a practicing Orthopaedic Traumatologist and a Professional Certified Coach (PCC). I have more than 1,000 hours of one-on-one surgeon coaching experience and 500+ hours of International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited coach training.
With over 20 years of experience within academic and private healthcare systems, I have developed my own system to cope with the ups and downs of being a performance-driven surgeon managing episodes of burnout in a demanding career. Through my personal experience and studies, I have developed The 8 PRACTICEs of Highly Successful Surgeons, a coaching methodology that addresses communication, leadership, time / life management, and more. I continue to be driven by my passion to positively impact the lives of patients recovering from injury, and helping physicians create the life and practice they want.
You can find my thoughts about the practice of medicine in the SurgeonMasters blog and as the host of the SurgeonMasters Podcast, Life Improvement Strategies for the Surgeon Who Wants More… in 10 Minutes. I also frequently share my perspective in presentations on topics like surgeon wellness, surgeon coaching, and my experience with burnout.
Coaching Specialties:
- Practice Optimization
- Physician Wellness
- Work-Life Rhythm
- Surgeon Peak Performance
"I work with quality and performance-driven surgeons to help them achieve their goals while nurturing their health and well-being and relationships most important to them."
More About Jeff's Why
From the Blog:
Negotiate Physician Coaching in Your Next Contract
The healthcare system thrives when physicians are supported to practice their best. While this seems obvious, our actions as a system don’t always reflect this
Creating An Effective Gratitude Practice
I’ve Been Practicing Gratitude All Wrong For years, I have tried to develop a solid gratitude practice. Like many others, I followed the standard advice:
A Call to Action for Healthcare Professionals on World Mental Health Day
For World Mental Health Day, on October 10, 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) is joining forces with global stakeholders to highlight the vital connection
Latest News:
2025 Brings New Opportunities
Dear Community, I’m excited for 2025 and the new wellness and coaching opportunities it brings to our community! After all, who in this community doesn’t
Making Gratitude an Active PRACTICE
Dear Community, When I’m grinding through on-call shifts and caring for patients, especially during this time of year, I find a gratitude practice incredibly helpful.
Achieving Meaningful Change Requires Resources and Support
I want to reflect on an important observance we recognized on October 10, 2024: World Mental Health Day. This year’s theme, “Mental Health at Work,” is
From the Podcast:
Introverts vs Extroverts! – Life improvement strategies for the surgeon who wants more … in 10 minutes – Episode 121
Pump the brakes on your week and take 10 minutes to make your life as a surgeon just a little better… Jeff welcomes to the
Managing a Crisis! – The SurgeonMasters Podcast
Jeff welcomes to the podcast cardiothoracic anesthesiologist, executive coach, and advocate for those affected by Long Covid, Dr. Zeest Khan. In 2020, Zeest contracted Covid and
Goal Alignment! – Life improvement strategies for the surgeon who wants more … in 10 minutes – Episode 120
Pump the brakes on your week and take 10 minutes to make your life as a surgeon just a little better… Jeff welcomes to the