Pump the brakes on your week and take 10 minutes to make your life as a surgeon just a little better… Jeff welcomes to the podcast physician coach
Continue ReadingJeff Letter — August 2023
Hi Community: Our best practice looks different day-to-day based on factors that limit or enhance our ability to access peak performance. When you’re
Continue ReadingRecovery! – Life improvement strategies for the surgeon who wants more … in 10 minutes – Episode 102
Pump the brakes on your week and take 10 minutes to make your life as a surgeon just a little better… Jeff welcomes to the podcast author,
Continue ReadingCalling for Personal Stories of Bullying/Gaslighting in a Medical Setting
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that involves abusers seeking control over other individuals by making them question their own
Continue ReadingSurgeonMasters CEO Jeffrey Smith, MD, FACS, PCC Invited to Speak at the 2023 Society of Actuaries Annual Meeting
July 11, 2023 - SurgeonMasters CEO Jeffrey M. Smith, MD, FACS, CPC will serve as expert on the panel, How Is Physician Burnout Affecting Medicare
Continue ReadingJeff Letter — July 2023
Dear Community: In early June I traveled to Chicago for the American Academy of Physician Leaders (AAPL) annual conference to present, “The Value of a
Continue ReadingCrisis Management! – Life improvement strategies for the surgeon who wants more … in 10 minutes – Episode 101
Pump the brakes on your week and take 10 minutes to make your life as a surgeon just a little better…Jeff welcomes to the podcast Joseph M.
Continue ReadingSurgeonMasters CEO Jeffrey Smith, MD, FACS, PCC Invited to Speak at the American Academy of Physician Leaders
Chicago, June 8, 2023 - SurgeonMasters CEO Jeffrey M. Smith, MD, FACS, PCC to deliver a talk, The Value of a Coaching Mindset in Physician
Continue ReadingJeff Letter — June 2023
Dear Community: Last week SurgeonMasters published the 100th episode of the mini-podcast. As an introvert, it is a rewarding accomplishment,
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